About Us
When we founded the Godin Family Foundation in 2000, our goal was to focus on children and teens, and that remains our goal today. We believe that by supporting organizations working in the health and education sectors or fighting poverty, we can offer hope to children, teens and families in difficulty.
To date, the Godin Family Foundation has helped close to 450 different organizations. We are proud of what we have accomplished and are committed to fulfilling our mission with teens. We direct our efforts to all regions of Quebec and across Canada.
Everything we do is driven by concern for the future of today’s youth. That is why we feel it is important to support challenging projects which will bring young people together and motivate them to choose a life plan allowing them to develop their self-esteem and acquire independence.
We believe that by making a difference today in the life of these youngsters, tomorrow’s adults, our society will become better educated, healthier and more just.
The Godin Family
Everything we do is driven by concern for the future of today’s youth.
Criteria and Form
Please read the criteria section carefully before submitting your application :
Please note that it can take up to three months for an application to be processed.
- Be a qualified donee with a duly issued Canada Revenue Agency registration number ending in RR0001
- Offers assistance to children and teens (17 years and under)
- Has educational or health goals or is committed to end poverty
- Is not a political party or a religious organization
- Holds other sources of revenue than the Godin Family Foundation
- Possesses achievable and measurable objectives for the project
- Has the ability to assess the effects of the actions
- Has sound, ongoing operational management
- Can present audited financial statements
Meeting all of the above-mentioned criteria does not mean that your organization will automatically be selected. Each application is carefully reviewed by the Foundation team and the final decision will be made by the founding members.